Monday, September 30, 2019

Adult Attachment Styles and Romantic Relationships Essay

In 1987, the Attachment Theory extended to include the bonds between adults and their romantic partners; the extension includes the concept of the secure, the anxious-preoccupied, the dismissive-avoidant, and the fearful-avoidant attachment styles. Current research, in the form of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, predicts adults exhibit attachment styles during the forming, maintenance, and separation process. The research utilized the experiences in close relationships inventory and the relationship maintenance questionnaire to find their conclusion. The findings concluded the association among the adult attachment features like closeness, safe haven, and secure base develop over time during the forming, maintenance, and separation process. In addition, the conclusion display the effectiveness of both clinical and non clinical exposure treatments in the growth and preservation of the secure attachment style behaviors utilized in romantic relationships. Keywords: attachment styles, romantic relationships, partners, adults, secure, insecure Adult Attachment Styles and Romantic Relationships More than half of the world’s adults are involved in a romantic relationship. The most common romantic relationship includes the sexual dating relationship, the domestic partnership, or the marriage. The adults or partners involved in these relationships inevitably reach a point of conflict. How the relationship partners react to the conflict displays whether the partners are acting as a securely attached person or an insecurely attached person. The securely attached adult portrays a happy person when dealing with relationship issues. Whereas, an insecurely attached adult is an unhappy person when dealing with relationship issues. Adults should strive for the secure attachment style for the best satisfaction level, commitment level, and ability to adapt to change in their romantic relationship. Background In 1952, John Bowlby originally designed the Attachment Theory to explain the bond between a child and people serving in the caregiver capacity (Feldman, 2011). Many theorists began noticing attachment influences the entire human experience. In 1987, Cindy Hazan and Philip Shaver officially applied  Bowlby’s views on attachment to include the bonds between adults and their romantic partners (Nudson-martin, 2012). Hazan and Shaver viewed attachment in adult romantic relationships as a powerful part of an adult’s emotional life, and many of the most secure and insecure behaviors arise during the maintenance of the romantic relationship. Hazan and Shaver noticed the behavioral patterns between a child and its caregiver was similar to the behavioral pattern between an adult and its romantic partner. Similarities like a desire to be close to the attachment figure and using the relationship as a safe haven to explore the world; consequently, Hazan and Shaver used Bowlbyâ₠¬â„¢s concept of attachment styles to categorize the behavioral patterns adults display in different stages of their romantic relationships (Pittman, 2012). Hazan and Shaver developed four adult attachment styles, secure and three insecure types. The adult attachment styles they developed are the secure, the anxious-preoccupied, the dismissive-avoidant, and the fearful-avoidant. The first attachment style is the secure type which corresponds with the secure attachment style in children. The secure adult is warm a responsive in their interactions with their romantic relationship partner. Secure attached adults tend to have positive views of themselves, their partner, and their relationship. The securely attached adult fells comfortable with intimacy and independence. Their relationships are characterized by greater longevity, satisfaction, trust, commitment, and interdependence (Mikulincer *& Shaver, 2012) Secure adults have a tendency to be more satisfied in their relationships than insecure adults. The first insecure attachment style is the anxious-preoccupied, which corresponds to the anxious-ambivalent attachment style in children. The anxious-preoccupied adult seeks high levels of intimacy, approval, and responsiveness from their romantic relationship partner. The anxious-preoccupied adult values intimacy so much they become overly dependent on their relationship partners. They do not value themselves, and blame themselves for their partner’s lack of resp onsiveness. People who are anxious or preoccupied with attachment may exhibit high levels of emotional expressiveness, worry, and impulsiveness in their relationships (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2012). The anxious-preoccupied person is clingy and has low self esteem. Low self esteem and impulsiveness is likely to lead to depression or suicide. The second insecure attachment style is  the dismissive-avoidant, which corresponds to the avoidant attachment style in children. The dismissive-avoidant adult desires a high level of independence from themselves and their relationship partner. They view themselves as self-sufficient, invulnerable to feelings associated with being closely attached to their partner, and close relationships as relatively unimportant. The dismissive-avoidant adult tends to avoid intimacy because their partner is less important. An adult with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style tends to suppress and hide their feelings (Juhl, Sands, & Routledge, 2012). The dismissive-avoidant style is characteristic of young male adults in the dating stage (Poulsen, Holman, Busby, & Carroll, 2013); the young male experiences the lack of responsiveness and the carelessness of other’s feelings. The dismissive-avoidant adult lacks responsiveness and is an ego-maniac. Being, an ego-maniac is likely to lead to dissatisfaction with everyone else. The third insecure attachment style is the fearful-avoidant, which also corresponds to the avoidant attachment style in children. The fearful-avoidant adult usually has experienced some type of emotional or physical abuse, and in turn do not trust their romantic relationship partners. The fearful-avoidant adult experiences mixed feelings. On one hand, they desire to have emotionally close relationships. On the other hand, they tend to feel uncomfortable with emotional closeness. These mixed feelings are combined with, an unconscious view of themselves as unworthy of responsiveness and trust from their partner, and the reverse is true (Juhl et al, 2012). The fearful-avoidant attachment style is also typical of the adults in the remarriage stage (Ehrenberg, Roberts & Pringle, 2012); the divorcee experiences the mixed feelings and the lack of trust. A mix of the other two insecure attachment styles, the fearful-avoidant adult has low self esteem and lacks responsiveness. Discussion The secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant and fearful-avoidant attachment styles share both commonalities and differences. The issue of desiring a romantic relationship is common in the secure, anxious-preoccupied, and sometimes in the fearful-avoidant attachment styles, this meaning these attachment styles lend toward satisfaction in romantic relationships. While the dismissive-avoidant attached adult does  not have the same feelings. Also, the desire to be in a relationship leads to the adult wanting to commit and faces; the adults desires to be in a relationship no matter what happens in the future. The issue of having low self esteem is a common problem in the anxious –preoccupied and fearful-avoidant attachment styles. The low self esteem arises when the adult feels there are unworthy of their partner’s intimacy. Due to this fact, the adults displaying these styles are less sociable. In this case, the adults with low self esteem have low satisfaction w ith themselves, which in turn leads to low satisfaction in their romantic relationship. The low self esteem adult can not fully commit, and can not endure changes. Their own issues lead to them not trusting the commitment and changes displayed by their partner. Additionally, there are commonalities in the issue of responsiveness or responding to the partner when they feel anxiety. The responsiveness issues are a part of all the attachment styles, however responsiveness can range from zero percent to one hundred percent. The zero percent is the dismissive-avoidant attachment style, and the one hundred percent is the secure attachment style. The lack of responsiveness leads to the adult not caring about the outcome or commitment level of the romantic relationship. In addition, the adult that lacks responsiveness does not care about the changes that are likely to arise. A way for researchers to find an adult’s desire to be in a relationship, self esteem, and responsiveness is the strange situation. The strange situation is an observational technique to judge the partners attachment style (Selcuk, Zayas, & Hazan, 2010). The strange situation looks at the secure base and the safe haven. The partner and the relationship are the secure base and safe haven, respectively. The strange situation technique can also be used to change an insecure adult to a secure adult, once they are aware of their attachment style. Adults who appear secure in the strange situation, for example, tend to have a partner who is responsive to them. On the other hand, adults that display one of the insecure attachment styles in the strange situation has a partner who is insensitive to their needs, or inconsistent or rejecting in the love they provide (Edenfield, Adams, & Briihl, 2012). Essentially during the strange situation, the adult asks themselves the following fundamental question: Is the partner nearby, accessible, and attentive? If the answer is â€Å"yes,† he or she feels loved, secure, and confident. Behaviorally, the adult is likely to leave their secure base and be sociable with their partner and others. However, the answer is â€Å"no,† the adult experiences anxiety, visual searching , active following, and vocal signaling .These behaviors continue until either the adult is able to reestablish a desirable level of physical or psychological proximity to the partner , or until the adult whines down. The anxiety behavior displayed is similar to those experienced during separation or loss (Heffernan, Fraley, Vickary & Brumbaugh, 2012). Similar questioning to the strange situation is asked in the experiences in close relationships inventory (ECR), and the relationship maintenance questionnaire (RM). Questions about the desire to be in a romantic relationship, and the likely behaviors displayed in that relationship marks the inventory and questionnaire) Edenfield et al, 2012). The ECR and the RM can be used to predict whether the relationship partner is securely attached or i nsecurely attached. The research findings from the strange situation, the ECR, and the RM combined with the finding closeness, safe haven, and secure base occur over time developed effective clinical and non clinical exposure treatments. In this case, the insecurely attached adult can choose to be treated in a clinic or in the home close to the safe haven. In either case the use of adaptive skills will be utilized. Additionally, using adaptive skills will move an insecurely attached adult to and securely attached adult. Adaptive skills are skills a romantic partner uses in reaction to their partner’s behaviors. Adaptive skills promote emotionally available and appropriately responsive partners, as well as a partner capable of regulating both his and her positive and negative emotions (Feldman, 2011). The insecurely attach adult will utilize adaptive skills to counter act the other partner’s insecure behavior, in a way to exhibit secure attachment. Conclusion and future directions In conclusion, most adults are in a romantic relationship, and behave and react in the relationship. Due to this fact, the adult gains either secure or insecure attachment to their romantic partner. The securely attached adult is warm and responsive to the ideals of commitment and their ability to adapt well to changes they will face in a romantic relationship. Additionally, the securely attached person displays increased levels of satisfaction in their romantic relationship. Romantic relationships having  one or both partners exhibiting insecure attachment style, will find moving to a secure attachment beneficial to their romantic relationship. Especially, in the areas of satisfaction, commitment, and the different changes. The insecurely attached partners will find using adaptive skills in both clinical and non clinical exposure treatments helpful in developing a secure attachment. The most useful is experiencing long-tern exposure to the secure attachment style in the home. In t he future, the concept can be applied to the area of work and higher education. Adults experience long term relationships with colleagues and professors. References Edenfield, J. L., Adams, K. S., & Briihl, D. S. (2012) Relationship Maintenance Strategy Used by Romantic Attachment style. North American Journal of Psychology, 14)1), pp 149. Retrieved from, Ehrenberg, M. F., Roberts, M., & Pringle, J. (2012). Attachment Style and Marital Commitment in the Context of Remarriage. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 53(3), pp 204-219. doi: 10. 1080/10502556.2012.663270 Feldman, R. S. (2011). Development across the Lifespan. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: McGraw-Hill. Heffernan, M. E., Fraley, R. C., Vicary, A. M., & Brumbaugh, C. C. (2012). Attachment Features and Functions in Adult Relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 29(5), pp 671-693. doi: 10.1177/0265407512443435 Juhl, J., Sand, E. C., & Routledge, C. (2012). the Effects of Nostalgia and Avoidant Attachment on Relationship Satisfaction and Relationship Motives. Journal of Social and Personal Relationship s, 29(5), pp 661-670. doi: 10.1177/0265407512443433 Mikulincer, M & Shaver, P. R. (2012). Adult Attachment Orientations and Relationship Processes. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 4(4), pp 259-274. doi: 10. 1111/j. 1756-2589.2012.00142.x Nudson-Martin, C. (2012). Attachment in Adult Relationships: a Feminist Perspective. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 4(4), pp. 299-305. doi: 10. 1111/j.1756-2589.2012.00141.x Pittman, J. F. (2012). Attachment Orientations: A Boon to Family Theory and Review. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 4(4), pp 306-310. doi: 10.1111/j.1756-2589.2012.00133.x Poulsen, F. O., Holman, T. B., Busby, D. M., & Carroll, J. S. (2013). Physical Attraction, Attachment Styles, and Dating Development. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(3), pp 301-319. doi: 10.1177/0265407512456673 Selcuk, E., Zayas, V.., & Hazan, C. (2010). Marital Satisfaction: The Role of Attachment in Marital Function. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 2(4), pp 258-259. doi: 10. 1111/j.1756-2589.2010.00061.x

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How the United States of America will respond to German Cars Essay

German cars are famous worldwide for their luxury, durability, innovation, exoticism and sophistication in terms of design and production. Whatever they make is perceived of high value in terms of money and exhibits high cultural values of the Germans. Over the decades the German philosophy of management is structured in such a way that it bring out an element of extremely reliable quality and focuses on the aspects of giving something new to the world. Their cars are known to the world and most preferred by their target market because of the reputations that have been able to maintain over the decades. The German apply the concept of high level engineering in the manufacturing of the product add extreme level quality management is applied. In order to explain the German concept let us take the example of Mercedes, a German car manufacturer. The brain child of Karl Benz, this company has grown up to the limits of providing high value cars to the market it caters. Mercedes is a brand that has attached its values with luxury and comfort which encompasses extreme engineering that focuses on precision engineering. The target market of Mercedes is the highest socioeconomic group given in any country in terms of income. The target market includes people who have a sophisticated life style and prefer luxury of any of the factor. Mercedes goes by the philosophy of providing more for much more. Obviously high and reliable product offerings are then associated with higher cost which the customers of Mercedes are ready to pay. Mercedes has always been known to come up with innovation in its products which are always shown in the new model which Mercedes launches. The values that are attached to the brand are always taken care of by the manufacturer and as a result, reflected on the end product. Mercedes philosophy is based on providing the best of what is required. Its product has now become a prestige for its owners who stand out from the rest of the population. Mercedes has a reputation of maintaining customer retentions and high customer satisfaction. This is done in terms through the medium of providing high quality cars and much better customer service that comes in the form of car maintenance and part a service supply. The customers enjoy the convenience of getting better maintenance because they become a part of the Mercedes family. The reputation has become a part of the brand that lives up to its value. The German car manufacturer on which we will be focusing has a product that caters to the higher class of customer as they would be differentiated on the basis of their income. Our customer is a person of age around 25-35 years, a person who is lively, energetic and more fun loving. He prefers luxury and comfort over economy of the product and would mind spend money that gives him satisfaction. If we classify our target market’s need on the Maslow’s chart of hierarchy of needs, we would place it on the end that is self-actualization. The personality of our customer is a healthy and active individual, who is also very classy and has a good taste of products. He prefers to go to clubs rather than normal bars and would celebrate his success with wine rather than a glass of champagne. Our customer is a winner and would never settle for something low. If we were to diagnose of how reactant our consumer is then we would rate it as an early adopter who is highly informative about the newly arriving product and is a connoisseur for fine products. Our aim is to target the higher class of people and also the younger segment because of the sustenance of our business. To make thing more specific, our cars that are luxurious and we are not willing to expand our product line. The whole concept to cater to this segment of the target market is because of the rich tradition and culture attached to German products. German philosophy in the car manufacturing industry is to provide something innovative and high-tech. So this target market is chosen to order to align with what are philosophy is. And the whole objective to expand our domain to other countries is solely based on the feasibility of the plan which includes profits and sustainable development of the expansion. These things will be emphasized upon when giving analysis of the expansion plan of the company in the following countries. Plus we will also look in to business and operations process reengineering which will be needed in different countries in order to align with the consumers of the country and their traditions also. United States of America: USA is a country that has a blend of people living in it. They include Caucasians, Latin Americans, Mexicans, Afro-Americans, Asian and many more. The majority of the population that lives in the U.  S is Caucasian or white Americans . However this majority is in terms of the relative ratio to the different races. The American culture includes a variety of aspects in it and is a very complex system in itself to analyze it. If we analyze the country as a whole then we will have to analyze the geographical, economical cultural, demographical, and social concepts of people living there. The geographical design of U. S is divided in to two categories which further have been divided for other studies. These categories are defined as cities and country side. An important thing to note is that the lifestyle of people who live in the two different categories is extremely different to each other. The city life is perceived as fast paced and more inclined towards professional environment. The residential areas are either near the business hubs which are expensive and are in the form of apartment and penthouses or separated from the city center and are located in the outskirts of the city. These places are residential areas that have houses, bungalows, schools, supermarkets etc. The standard of living in the United States is high which is also reflected in the lives in people living in cities. However people who live in the out skirts are usually those who have their own family and own a house in those places. The people who live near the city center usually reside in apartment and are singles. The people who live in the outskirt residential areas have their own cars for traveling, while those who live near the business hub are the ones who not use cars to travel to office and use public transport like buses, subways and taxis also. So the business should emphasize on catering to the segment that lives in the residential area. People can afford the car because of higher income status and because of the lifestyle that aligns with the product’s positioning. More over its customers live in expensive areas that prefer big luxurious cars. Right now the personal transportation mode of the American is automobiles. It is estimated to be 80% of the land transport. This mean that out of 100 American, 80 of them have their own car; which in the European countries is approximately 51%. This is an added benefit for the automobile manufacturers. The market which will be focused upon are mostly cities like New York (population of 20,000,000 approximately), Washington D. C. 6,000,000 approximately), Los Angeles (12,500,000 approximately), Chicago (9,600,000 approximately), Miami (5,500,000 approximately) and other cities. The political system of the country is based on the democratic system of government. Everyone has certain rights that are stated in the charter of democracy. Everyone one has a right to vote in the elections which determine who will lead the country for the next four years. The country has had an advantage of having wise president and a clever and socially binding congress which has the responsibility of passing laws for the better of the people as well as to contribute to the world. U. S. A has been lucky to not to face political turmoil and the law and order situation in the country is very good. The crime rates even though high do not majorly affect the economic functioning and are able to withstand any sudden disruption. After the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center the government has increased its budget on social security in order to prevent any further assault on the US soil and has been able to achieve its objective of maintaining peace in the country. This is also proven by the fact that the country has until now not encountered another attack since the last nine years. The government gives very much importance to the social expenditure which is aimed at improving the socioeconomic aspect (education, medical etc). This in turn increases the standard of living if the people who further help in maintaining a sustainable economy by creating opportunities for new entrant in the market. U. S. A has high investment opportunity. It is because the economy is capitalist economy which means that it is based on the free market trade and that there is no government intervention. Due to this, there is high investment on other businesses and the high growth opportunities. The tax rate in the U.  S is high, which is a symbol for a developed economy. The taxes given by the people to the government further help the government to contribute to the social expenditure it incurs. The tax rate, even though; are cost are outweighed by the profitability of the companies operating in the U. S. USA is a huge market for potential businesses to enter. This can be seen from the fact that it has a GDP of $14. 4 trillion. This shows that how big an economy US is. The private sector contribution to the economy is 55. 3%, which is a majority and it shows the strength of the private sector. This means that U.  S has high private investment firms who are also high tax payers. The United States of America also has the privilege of having the world’s largest stock exchange in terms of volume which is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). More over as it is a country that has diverse group of people living in it; the chances of success are very high. Secondly the country has started to come out of recession which hit back in 2008. This means that the dark period for the US economy will in very short time become a thing of the past and the only thing which is anticipated now is the economic growth of the country. Another thing which will add to the benefit of the transfer is that the interest rates in the US are all time low. Which means that cheap financing is available to people and due to this there will be an increase in consumerism which will further add up to the advantage of sales in the automobile manufacturing. Moreover the competition in the automobile industry is low in the US because of the bankruptcy of the automobile company due to the recession. These companies have either packed up or either been bought by Chinese or Japanese companies. Now the competition remains with only the Chinese or the Japanese manufacturers. German cars comparatively have more edge to other manufacturers because of the higher quality and a very good reputation. Then to add further USA ranks third in the oil production industry. It is also the largest importer of oil. This means that there is no problem of availability of fuel for those who can afford it. The culture of a country is defined by the people living in it. It is the representation of the behavior and practices of the people in their daily lives. Everything what people feel, think and learn is a part of learning that comes from culture. The culture of U. S is a blend of people living in it. As described above there are many races in the United States. And since it is known that culture is adaptive and changes according to time, the mixture of their cultural values has evolved to form what is called the American way of life. U. S is also a house for people who belong to different religion and practices. The majority of the population living in U. S belongs to Christianity. There are also Muslims, Jew, Buddhists, Hindus and people of other religions living in America. What is unique about the people is that even though they consider themselves as American, they do not necessarily share a common set of ideas and beliefs. This is because even though they live in America that adds up to their social learning that comes through interacting with other people, their parenting and inherited learning is different from one another. This means that people belonging to different groups may have different behavior in different situations. This adds to the out benefit since the values related to luxury and satisfaction is espoused value that all the people of different races tend to share. Humans have always had the tendency to develop. People strive to in order to increase their standard of living. This means that with the growth of economy and socio-political environment people develop the tendency to get to the next level of their needs which are then changed into their wants and they demand for thing that gives them satisfaction. The change in the wants of people is reflected by their demand for a particular thing. So it won’t be wrong to say that growth in the economy is directly proportional to the demand of products which is an added benefit to the businesses. During the nineteenth century, the American philosophy was of working hard to become well off evolved into the increase in the social status. This is was the belief that was prevalent among the whites. This philosophy has now shifted to the Asians.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reading Response Question 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reading Response Question 2 - Research Paper Example Ergo, with an educated crop of youth, posterity would be supplied with learned men to manage the affairs of the nation. He recalls that the original settlers who had created the foundation on which America was built had received a good education in Europe and juxtaposes them with the present youths who are not thought to be of the same caliber owing to lesser academic aptitude. To this end, he proposed that an academy should be opened for the sake of educating the youth and the state or any other organization with an interest should provide teachers and learning materials, which will be updated and improved with time as par the educational demands (Franklin 87). Furthermore, the members of the cooperation should strive to regularly visit the school so as to mentor the students and assist the masters as well as serve as inspiration to the proteges. The academy, he suggested should be located in the city or not very far rom it, that way, the youths within who would be undergoing traini ng could be closely observed by the community. The Rector should be an outstanding scholar and well versed in the sciences arts and languages, he should have masters of his caliber and it is also crucial that all have excellent mastery of the English tongue. The students should be trained in both academic and non-academic pursuits such as would strengthen them both physically and spiritually. They should be rendered physically active through wrestling, swimming running reaping and any other appropriate exercise. The scholars in this academy should distinguish themselves from other youth by the peculiarity of their habits, which should reflect studiousness and great self-discipline. As pertains to the content taught therein, he suggests several disciplines and justifies their necessity. The English language is to be taught by grammar and it should encapsulate the works of great writers such pope Cato, and Tillotson, it should also include reading and pronunciation skills. Their writi ng skills can be honed through the writing of letters to each other all which should be read and revised under the supervision of a qualified master. History should also be introduced so the learners may benefit from the experience and leisure that is contained in knowledge of past diverse past events such as Greek and/or world history. This should be combined with geography in which the scholars would be taught to read and interpret maps as well as point out specifically where certain historical events took place. Franklin further proposes that learner could benefit from knowledge of ancient customs of different cultures and religious education. Through the constant examinations of the rise and fall of man’s character, learners should be schooled in matters of morality which has substantial advantage in that it inculcates virtues such as temperance frugality and persistence among others. An in-depth study of historical events will undoubtedly, according to Franklin serve to inspire the learner to do great things and also learn from the experiences and mistakes of their forbearers. He argues that learning of language such as Latin is crucial since many

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership Differences Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Differences - Term Paper Example New leadership theories attach emphasis on the importance of trust, honesty and long-term partnerships in conducting and running organizations. The 21st century presents a competitive business world and, therefore, needs leaders with novel ideas and that are willing to inspire and motivate others to take risks as well as being able to build new strategic relationships to address the emerging challenges brought about by globalization (Richard Daft, 2010). In the 20th century, leadership was about obtaining a finite objective or goal that is, delivering goods and services with a sole aim of making profits; dominance and the exercise of market power. However, in the 21st century, leadership is about an infinite objective or goal of satisfying customers; cognitive flexibility, vision and mission, authenticity, and the creation of strategic relationships. Organizations in this century make profits by creating value and quality products to customers and not through the solely delivering goods and services to the customers like in the 20th century. For this reason, scholars argue that â€Å"the finite objective of the 20st century about delivering goods and services to make profit was dispiriting and annoying because the goal demotivated and dispirited the workers, in addition to, acting as a source of frustration for the customers since the objective was unsustainable as it ignored quality and value addition† (Denning, 2010). The i nfinite goal of the 21st century, on the other hand, is naturally inspiring and aims at satisfying customers and workers, thus considered sustainable. Conversely, the 20th century business landscape was characterized by linear objectives, which organizations would obtain with ease through internal advantages such as economies of progressively because the organizations were in charge and controlled the consumers. The organizations, thus never minded much about quality and the need to provide innovative and quality

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology - Research Paper Example Creative, Samsung and Sony and a plethora of other companies manufacture small, portable music players which is an answer to apple ipod, since ipods are quite expensive people prefer buying other reliable music players which are way cheaper than the ipod. Steve Jobs resigned as the CEO of Apple just a few days ago, under his leadership Apple became a force to reckon with. They launched a series of successful products like the iPhone, Mac, Ipad and a host of other successful products. Steve Jobs identified the potential of modern gadgets and took Apple forward in a very unique way. This paper will shed more light upon the Ipad which has been incredibly successful in the market. â€Å"The Apple iPad is one of the best-selling tablets in the world, and the iPad 3 is one of the most anticipated devices from Apple this year. This article explains you about the new features that are to be included in the  iPad 3.† (iPad 3) Ipad is without a doubt my favorite device; it is my favorite because it is arguably the best gadget in the market currently. The retina display is a very exciting feature, the clarity of the screen has been enhanced by several folds and this has excited almost all the Apple fans. No other similar product in the market offers 2048Ãâ€"1536 pixels, this means the screen would be crystal clear and an avid Apple fan just can’t ask for more. The latest model will also have an SD Card slot which is again an unprecedented feature; sharing media would become much easier with an SD Card slot. These days almost all the gadgets have HD ports, the Ipad has an HDMI port which means it can be connected to an HD television set and pictures and videos can be viewed on the HD television. This is again an exciting feature; sharing media has become really easy these days. Apple has made brought about these exciting changes. The latest model is the Ipad three and it is also the best one to buy, it is the best because it is the latest and has many

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

We Should Pull Our Troops from Afghanistan Research Paper

We Should Pull Our Troops from Afghanistan - Research Paper Example Taliban continue its encouragement to Afghanistan for preventing Western invasion. Many ethnic groups and political pressure groups strengthen their independence struggle against Western invasion. It is relevant to connect the issue of Afghanistan to Vietnam. David Halberstam and Daniel Joseph Singal obsesrve similar cases in Vietnam. As they comment; â€Å"Bright, sophisticated people traditional warriors they have never accepted the rule of the outsiders† (Halberstam & Singal 8). Even though U.S. troops continue their operations in Afghan regions, various terrorist groups and extremists including Al-Qaeda keep control in majority of the Afghan region. U.S administers are not react seriously towards the crisis which happened in Afghanistan. Similar attitude they had followed in Vietnam War. â€Å"In those days, American were not unaware of the difficulties ahead† (Halberstam & Singal 12) Therefore, U.S. Troops face severe problems in handling conflicts that emerged fro m the urban areas. Here one can feel withdrawal of U.S. troops is an essential one. Examining the existing social, religious and political scenario that laid in Afghanistan, one can see that the country has been rapidly destabilizing.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Workplace Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Workplace Literacy - Essay Example In these regards, there is the recognition that a healthy lifestyle – including nutrition – contributes to scholastic and life success. As the university has an obligation to help students it is necessary for them to consider healthy food options. One of the prominent health concerns is the potential for type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes generally occurs as a direct result of obesity; this obesity correspondingly occurs because of inactivity and unhealthy nutrition. The potential of type 2 diabetes is an even greater concern as it can potentially cause hypertension, kidney failure, heart disease, nerve damage, and even blindness or stroke ("Health affects of," 2010). In addition to type 2 diabetes, unhealthy diets have also been specifically linked to asthma and liver disease. In terms of asthma, research has demonstrated that people with obesity are 92% more likely to experience asthma ("Health affects of," 2010). This is a serious concern, as asthma is accompanied by wheezing and a variety of respiratory problems. Additionally, liver disease occurs as fat builds in the liver cells. This can be accompanied by liver failure and cirrhosis ("Health affects of," 2010). While there are a variety of specific health problems related to eating an unhealthy diet, there is also the recognition that there are a variety of health concerns that are indirectly linked to dietary choice. Perhaps the most serious of these concerns is stroke; high blood pressure that occurs as a result of an unhealthy diet contributes to stroke. Another indirect health concern is cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease occurs partly through the build up of plaque and fat in the arteries and can have serious health implications. Ultimately, the university system is not simply an area where students receive an education, but is also the environment where students experience a formative developmental period and can

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learned Helpness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learned Helpness - Essay Example These may cause employees to feel that success or recognition is unattainable, thereby inhibiting motivation to improve their performance levels2. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate learned helplessness among employees in organizations, and examine the creation of desirable motivation states through management interventions such as motivation, and empowerment and resilience, to eliminate learned helplessness among employees. Lyn Abramson and her team suggested that objective events in themselves do not produce learned helplessness. How those events are interpreted, particularly how their attributional dimensions are perceived, play an important part. Usually, the situations that produce learned helplessness give rise to only momentary symptoms of depression, unless there already exists a ‘depressive explanatory style’3. Besides generalizing from an unpleasant experience resulting in passive acceptance of situations, another approach to the theory of learned helplessness underscores a reinforcement process as its basis. That is, when particular behaviors lead to desired rewards and outcomes, people are motivated to repeat those behaviors. The motivation to perform those behaviors is lost when the specific behaviors do not help to achieve desired outcomes4. For example, when a manager regularly takes credit for her subordinates’ successes, while blaming them for their failures, the employees may lose their motivation to work harder than is necessary to keep their jobs. Similarly, when an organization enforces the use of outdated and ineffective procedures resulting in failed outcomes, employees may show little urgency or interest in their work5. The significance of organizationally induced learned helplessness is that â€Å"It often remains even when the barriers to success are removed†6. Consequently, when an unfair manager or restrictive policies are removed, employee motivation and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Attributes of Professional Bartender Essay Example for Free

Attributes of Professional Bartender Essay Bartenders know the difference between art and science. They understand that bartending is a science because in mixing drinks there are rules to follow, standards to obey and procedures to do. It is not just pouring all the drinks together in one glass and then serve it. Bartending is also an art because bartenders make an art form out of their profession. Aside from following the standards, they also use their creativity, imagination and individual way of enhancing the usual preparation of the beverage for the purpose of visual perception, odor detection, and taste stimuli. Professional bartenders possess many skills and characteristics that make them successful. 1. Good personality A bartender must have an ability to interact well with different people. He knows how to show his best asset as a bartender when he is in front of the guest. The totality of the bartender can be seen not only with his physical attributes but also through his words, actions and way of thinking. 2. Sense of humor Bartending is a serious job. This needs focus and presence of mind. But, a good bartender knows how to work properly, yet, laugh that sometimes, cracking jokes is being part of his functions. It is nice to learn that laughing is still the best medicine especially in front of unpredictable guests. 3. Well – groomed A bartender must have good personal hygiene; maintaining oneself healthy, wearing clean clothes and proper attire, keeping hair, teeth and fingernails clean and sanitary. A well – groomed appearance helps bartenders seem more approachable and professional. 4. Physical stamina Bartending is a job that requires long hours standing while preparing, mixing, serving and bussing out soiled glasses behind the bar counter. Sometimes, part of this is lifting heavy boxes and cases of drinks to set up the bar. A bartender must be physically fit and strong enough to do the day-to-day activities in the bar. 5. Basic skills in Math In bartending, the fundamental operations in Mathematics are applied. The skills learned about this in school allow the bartenders to make changes and measure drinks accurately and quickly. It also helps the bartender as well as the managers to realize their profit versus expenses at the end of every operation. 6. Multi – tasking Bars are busy especially peak nights and salary days. The bartender must make sure everything runs smoothly during his shift by learning what and how to do other tasks aside from mixing and preparing drinks. 7. Good memory Bartenders need to remember everything from drink recipes to customers’ names. Even brands of drinks, proof, country of origin, and major ingredients are needed to remember when a bartender presents and serves beverages to guests. 8. Great smile A great smile is a key since bartenders smile a lot. It does not only makes the bartender good looking and presentable, but this helps attract guests, let them feel that they are very welcome and a smile will make the first time guest, a regular guest. Bartenders must be aware of everything around them at all times. They have to know the drink levels of everyone’s beverage, and must see new customers as they approach the bar. A second set of eyes in the back of their heads would be a remarkable evolutionary improvement and in failing that, bartenders need to be constantly alert.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fashion History Essay Example for Free

Fashion History Essay A fancy handbag, stylish footwear, shimmering jewellery and a designer dress of substandard quality sell at fantastic prices. Now beauty salons and slimming centers the landmarks of fashionable world are frequented by a large clientele at great expenses even in smaller towns. It seems the inbred urge of the man to appear graceful is awakening from the slumber. But the craze for fashion has also opened new avenues for expansion of small scale industries product fancy articles for beauty aids are now growing and shaping up as big industries. They provide employment to thousands of youth directly or indirectly. Courses based on fashion designing and decoration have now become a popular and recognized commercial education in the country. Ever changing fashion is welcome features but living in fashion and style is a symbol of lively society. Fashions breaking the barriers of decency and decoration are full risks and lead to moral chaos. We must be aware of that fashion adds only to our external beauty which is skin deep and transient whereas moral beauty is lasting and sublime. True beauty lies in cleaning ourselves from within and is attained by practicing truth and piety love and sacrifice in our lives but in the avalanche of ever changing fashions, all that matters is ostentatious show with the aid of modem cosmetics and beauty aids, latest dresses etc. And this is eating into our great noble values. True, beauty needs no ornaments or fashion aids. My lord I may be beautiful from within in this age of fashion.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Background Of Online Banking In Vietnam Marketing Essay

Background Of Online Banking In Vietnam Marketing Essay Introduction The explosion of Internet technology has revolutionized todays economic globally. The changes and innovation of technology has altered the way banking industry can offer its services to customers. A makeable online banking has emerged as the most important online transaction platform for e-commerce, e-shopping, internet stock trading or online auction (Lee, 2009). Internet banking is utilized as a medium with faster transaction speed and lower handling fees (Kalakota and Whinston, 1997). Furthermore, there is no additional software needed when customers conducting transactions on websites (Polasik and Wisniewski, 2009). With the improved online security, customers not only can check their balances on banks websites; online banking allows conducting transactions that are more complicated such as transferring funds, paying bills or even writing checks. Their trustworthiness on online has nevertheless increased (Tan amd Teo, 2000). Banking industry has initiated a paradigm shift from traditional brick and mortal branches to online. In banks websites, customers serve themselves without the need of frontline staff. To this, banks benefited from staff reduction, lesser branch sizes, and paper-related works (Tan and Teo, 2000; Compaq, 2001). According to Burham (1996), the establishment of website consumes less than US$25,000 in which the website maintenance also costs less than US$25,000 annually a big different as compared to maintain a branch. For the customer point of view, convenience and efficiency are the great motivation for them to use online banking (Bruno, 2003). Customers do not need to go to bank, queue up, waiting or constrained by banks operating hours. It offers customers anytime, anywhere banking facilities (Lassar et al., 2005). There is a rapid growth of customers in using online banking services. The report of International Data Corporation (IDC) report shows that the online banking users has surpassed a total of one hundred million by 2004 (Maenpaa et al., 2008). The importance and advantages of online banking has prompted banking industry to rethink their strategy and for long-term survival, most of the banks go online (Tan and Teo, 2000). To stay competitive in the global market, developing countries like Malaysia and Vietnam have tentatively launched their online banking. Malaysia has actively developed e-banking since the mid of 2000 (Poon, 2008). Vietnam Government emphasis strongly on telecommunication development and has implemented internet in order to increase e-commerce usage (Chong et al., 2010). Although Malaysia and Vietnam are from the Southeast Asia region, elements like legal, cultural, social, political, and technical influence among both countries are different. The different elements ad d further the complexity in using online applications (Tarasewich et al., 2002). The degree of different cultural context in both nations will influence the typical ways on how online applications are applied in an online banking system (Zakaria and Stanton, 2003). Beyond the recognition diverse in cultural aspects on consumer behaviors, there is a need to improve the conceptual underpinning the similarities and differences across both countries by understanding the factors that predict customers intention in using online banking. To attract more customers engaging in online banking, it is crucial for banks to develop channel characteristics that are preferable by customers. This paper analyzes the customers attitude towards online banking in both Malaysia and Vietnam context and their preference factors in accepting online banking channel. An in-depth understanding of consumer perceptions and behavior are needed to be understood in order to enhance online banking functionality. For early adopter countries like Malaysia and Vietnam, the ultimate success of online banking still depended on customers willingness to use online banking. Thus, it is important to identify the antecedents of customer acceptance towards online banking. Comprehending what are essentials enticing customers to use online banking will provide management great insight in developing effective strategies to remain competitive in the industry and hold market share. In our research, we rely on the technology acceptance model (TAM), in particular perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in linking with behavioral intention to use online banking. The framework is then synthesized with other antecedents such as trust to study customers confidence in their decision to try a new technology; and government e-readiness factor in both nations of Malaysia and Vietnam. We begin the paper by exploring the background of online banking in both countries. Following by examining the theoretical used and hypothesis developed. After that, description on methodology and analysis is provided. We performed results, discussions on findings, limitations of the study, implications of study, and finally, conclusions. Background of Online Banking in Malaysia In Malaysia, the advancement in ICT has embarked a wide range E-business implementation in many companies. By launching Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) as a mean to facilitate businesses through a host of privileges that entail world class services and infrastructure as well as financial incentives, Malaysia has captured a total revenue of US$383.5 million from E-commerce in 2000 and the figure boosted up to US$9336.2 million in 2005 (MDC, 2003). Banking institutions have actively exploited the opportunities that arise from these developments. Since 2000, many banks anticipated in developing Internet banking (Poon, 2008). The electronic revolution in Malaysian banking sector has historically started by introducing Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) by 1981, which provide customers the extending banking hours beyond office hours (Jawahitha et al., 2003). This computerized telecommunication device provides customers the convenient to access to financial transactions in a wider geographical locations. After that, another service channel was introduced in the early of 1990s, namely tele-banking. This service is eventually connected with Automated Voice Response (AVR) technology. However, Malaysian banks showed little interest as public showed a relatively low interest of response rate (Jawahitha et al., 2003). With the strong emphasis and encouragement by government in the usage and adoption of personal computer, banking environment has undergone a more drastic revolution by offering online banking services through their interactive company websites in 2000. Maybank is the first bank that provides online banking services in Malaysia through portal. It was then followed by Hong Leong Bank, Southern Bank and Multi-Purpose Bank. (Suganthi et al., 2001). At present, there are 24 banks offering online banking facilities. Online banking is getting its popularity in Malaysia. It has received overwhelming responses from customers due to its convenience and has proven advantage in reducing costs. The number of online banking subscribers has increased from 3.2 million in 2006 to 7.5 million in 2009, with the population penetration rate from 11.6% (2006) to 25.9% (2009) ( Apparently, this positive sign has enlighten the banks to continuous seeking ways to enhance the use of electronic applications more comprehensive and effectively. Nevertheless, consumers are demanding for better transparency, integrity and communication of online banking services. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors that influence the use of online banking. The strength and capability of financial institutions to harness appropriate ICT strategies is crucial to continue to position themselves for better success in this new era through customer retention and growth in the market share. Background of Online Banking in Vietnam In the mid-1980s, the Communist Party of Vietnam formally ended its centralized planned economy and began to adopt economic reform program, widely known as doi moi or Renovation, as a mean to open itself to the world. Since that, Vietnam has started to appear as one of the important economy emergence in Asia Pacific area (Phan, 2008). The first entry of Internet was in November 1997. Given this opportunity, Vietnamese companies have increased their emphasis to implement computerized system and IT facilities in their daily business operations. However, most of the commercial websites are mainly used for promotion purposes instead of real existent of online transactions. (Huang and Swierczek, 2008). Vietnams industrialization has led to rapid ICT growth. Under the Overall Plan on Developing E-Commerce, Vietnamese Government encourages more companies to implement e-commerce in their business operations (Peoples Daily, 2006). In order to stay competitive in the challenging marketplace, companies encode e-commerce implementation as a vital element in their business strategy. As of 2000, the Internet penetration rate has reached 0.3 percent (0.2 million users) of the population. In 2009, the Internet users have surged to a total of 22 million, presented a 25.7 percent of total population (Internet World Stats, 2009). Vietnam Government started to focus on service sector by realizing its feasibility and effective impact on the overall business. The Government aims to stimulate efficient e-commerce development by encouraging people to use it (Chong et al., 2010). With that, online banking is viewed as an important tool or medium to leverage the success of e-commerce implementation. Vietnamese banks have made efforts to establish inter-bank networks to support online payments. The system processing of commercial banks have been improved and banks applied more advanced software and application programs ( However, there is a lack of integrated technical system between organizations and banks to provide customers a more structured and systematic payment system. Furthermore, the lack of law and regulations establishment regarded to online banking issues still remained undefined which have led to many difficulties in dispute settlement. As online banking in Vietnam is getting popul ar and offer banks better cost-effective solution, therefore this study aims to examine factors that influence the acceptance of online banking in the country. Technology Adoption Model It has been found that users attitudes and behavior towards acceptance of a new information system indicated a critical impact towards the successful technology adoption (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh and Davis, 1996; Succi and Walter, 1999). This is due to the fact that, the more users accept new information system, the more they will try and start to use it (Succi and Walter, 1999). Given these, researchers have been trying to find factors that influence individual in accepting new technology. One of the most popular and utilized model of technology adoption is the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis et al, 1989; Davis and Venkatesh, 1996; Al-Gahtani, 2001). As online banking is one type of technology innovation (Lin and Lee, 2005), we propose the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the theoretical foundation in this study to predict users online banking usage and preference, which in turn, determined users beliefs towards the online banking system (Joaquin et al, 2009). There are two important components in TAM, which are perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). The first determinant refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance (Davis et al., 1989). In the context of online banking, it refers to the degree on how effective an online banking system assists in productivity, work, and cost-saving (Rao, 2003). Perceived ease of use is the degree to which the prospective adopters expect new technology adopted to be free effort regarding its transfer and utilization (Davis et al., 1989). In this context, the easier adopters find it to learn and use online banking system, the higher the potential he or she will adopt it (Chong et al., 2010). Although many studies showed TAM is a useful, valid and reliable model (Jeyaraj et al., 2006), many researchers have extended the model by adding different variables based on the types of information system or technology they studied. A critical review from Legris et al. (2003) revealed that there is a need to include other components in order to have better explanations and broader view in new technology adoption. In this cross-cultural study, trust and government e-readiness components are added in order to have better picture in their decision on online banking adoption. The two additional components can be varied as they posit different cultural backgrounds within these both countries. Perceived Usefulness In the model of TAM, perceived usefulness is a significant factor affecting in the acceptance of information system (Davis et al., 1989). It is also has been found to have direct effect towards online banking adoption (Eriksson et al., 2005; Pikkarainen et al., 2004). Similarly, Numerous papers have been studied about perceived usefulness on online banking. For example, Wong et al. (2003) explored that perceived usefulness has positive significant effect on behavioral intention towards online banking in Taiwan context. The study concluded that Taiwanese exploit online banking systems as they find the system is useful and comfortable to use. Pikkarainen et al. (2004) further indicated that perceived usefulness was found to be the most influential driver in online banking service. The findings explained that users choose to use online banking because of it anticipates better advantages as compared to other delivery channels. In Thailand, perceived usefulness is significant among Thai consumers intention to use and it has became a prominent encouragement for them to use online banking services (Jaruwachirathanakul and Fink, 2005). In this research context, perceived usefulness refers to consumers perceptions in using Internet as a financial transaction medium in order to enhance their banking experiences. These perceptions will influence consumers attitude toward online banking and their intention to use it. The main reason users start to use online banking services as they find the systems are useful and convenient during their transactions. Therefore, we test the following hypothesis: H1. Perceived usefulness has a positive association with consumers intention to adopt the online banking. Perceived Ease of Use Besides perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use is found as one of the important influential in adopting new technology (Davis et al., 1989). Perceived usefulness is the extend on how effective Internet and its applications in assisting consumers to accomplish tasks; on the other hand, perceived ease of use is the degree on how easy to use Internet as a medium to complete tasks (Toà ±ita et al., 2004). The beliefs of a person on the difficulty to use online systems will affect his or her intention to continue to use a technology (Davis, 1989). In the words, the complexity of certain online applications will tend to discourage or slow down technology adoption (Rogers, 1995). Various studies have offered insights on the significant effect of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention. According to Moon and Kim (2001), information systems not only should be easy to use, it should also stress on user friendly features. With that, users will feel less threatening and have more confident when using it. Eventually, this implies that perceived ease of use will affect the users perceived credibility during their interaction and exchanges on Internet. In a subsequent study, Wang et al (2003) documented that perceived ease of use had a significant effect on behavioral intention. This is highly related to users that have higher self-efficacy towards computer usage. The finding indicated that Taiwanese views interfaces and applications on banks websites are understandable and online banking is easy to apply and use. In a later study, Amin et al (2008) also revealed that there is a positive relationship between perceived ease of use and mobile banking adoption. By understanding that perceived ease of use will affect consumers attitude and intention, therefore it is important to identify the latent dimensions of this construct in online banking. Thus, we hypothesized that: H2. Perceived ease of use has a positive effect on consumers intention to adopt the online banking. Trust Trust is a crucial factor in many transactional relationships. Trust exists when one party is confident with anothers reliability and credibility (Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Ranaweera and Phrabu, 2003). According to Eriksson et al. (2005), trust is defined as the perceptions towards security and reliability of online banking system from the perspective of customers. The issue of online banking is more critical in comparing to offline banking (Al-Somali et al., 2008). As online banking transactions required sensitive information and access to critical files which transferred via Internet (Alsojjan and Dennis, 2006; Suh and Han, 2002). Therefore, it adds further the complexity to examine online banking trust as the interpersonal trust not only relying between banks and customers, but also between customers and information system (McKnight and Chervany, 2001-2002). To this, Grà ¶nroos (2001) concluded that the professionalism in the aspects on intelligent systems and operations is importan t in building customers trust. Collectively, customers have doubts on the overall security policies in online banking. Especially new adopters in developing nations like Malaysia and Vietnam have found to have less confident in trying online banking due to security reason (Gerrard and Cunnningham, 2003). In many banking websites, security technology like encryption, password, identifiers, or inactivity automatically logs users off the account are implemented to reduce the overall risk during transaction process and the same time increase customers trustworthiness in using the system (Hutichinson and Warren, 2003). In Malaysia, a total number of 500 respondents from different banks customers have been investigated and found that security factor showed the highest Cronbach alpha score. This indicates that security and trust towards online systems are ultimately important in order to encourage customers to start to use online applications. Therefore, the major concern for banks to implement online banking falls on the extent to how customers perceived trustworthiness of a particular system (Poon, 2008). In the study of Al-Somali et al (2008), trust has found to have significant impact in influencing customer attitudes towards online banking usage in Saudi Arabia community. Whereby, Sathyes (1999) identified security and privacy as the biggest obstacles towards the adoption of online banking in Australia. Thus, it is clear that without trust, customers will avoid making any transactions in virtual online environment. Although the consequence of trust in business-customer relationship has been established, the trust construct in virtual online banking is still in a somewhat ambivalent manner, especially in developing countries context. Thus, we proposed the following hypothesis: H3. Trust will have a positive effect on consumers intention to adopt the online banking. Government Support Government plays a vital role in creating institutional environment to encourage the nation to adopt online banking services. In the efforts of government by investing heavily in the aspects of availability and quality of labor, technical infrastructure, policy, work force training and maintaining have nevertheless prepared banks a better platform to foster online banking service (Gibbs et al., 2003). It has been observed and verified in the previous studies that governmental support either in projects funding or adoption schemes have leveraged technology diffusion in a shorter period of time (Tan, 2000). For example Tan and Teo (2000) mentioned in their study that Singapore Government has successfully promoted the adoption of electronic data interchange (EDI) through educational program (Burn, 1995). In Malaysia, with the launch of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) which is fully supported by government in 1996 has prepared Malaysia a great advancement into the thriving of ICT world. One of the key efforts of MSC is to provide the necessary facilities and technical skills for local and foreign businesses through its flagship applications and business services. With the implementations of electronic government, multi-purpose identification card, smart schools and telemedicine, government have tentatively encouraged the citizens to conduct transaction online. Vietnam, an emergence fast growing economy country has started to invest and improve its ICT infrastructure throughout the country. Rahn Wood, a senior executive of Techcombank, said that, although online baking remains unfamiliar in Vietnam, but it has foreseen to be potentially welcomed by Vietnamese people (VietnamNet, 2009). Although most of the people in Vietnam still prefer offline banking, there have seen an overwhelming increased usage in online banking, mobile banking, home banking, phone banking and other card and e-payment services. This phenomenon is particularly significant in the Ho Chi Minh capital (VietnamNet, 2009). Government should play the role to encourage citizens in order to increase the usage rate in online banking. Thus, we hypothesized that: H4. Government support has a positive effect on consumers intention to adopt the online banking.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reno and Juliet :: essays research papers

1 Romeo and Juliet 2 William Shakespeare between 1591 and 1596 3 England 4Romeo- Romeo is the most famous Montague there is. At first he loves Rosaline, but later falls in love with Juliet. Romeo is very fickle when it comes to love and falls quickly in and out of it. Juliet- Juliet is a Capulet and the love of Romeo. She is also the love interest of Paris but despises him very much. Juliet much like Romeo is very fickle when it comes to emotions. Friar Laurence- The Friar is a friend of Romeo. Friar Laurence is the guy Romeo comes to when he has a problem. He is also a very intelligent botanist who is very passionate about his work. Mercutio- Mercutio is possibly Romeos friend because he is nearly always there for him. Mercutio is very passionate and is almost always fighting. Mercutio is also very defensive over his friends especially Romeo. Prince Escalus- Prince Escalus is the prince of Verona. He is constantly trying to keep his subjects in line. His first speach in the play makes it clear that he is the boss. Tybalt- Tybalt is a member of the Capulet family. He has a very hot temper and especially hates the Montagues. He is angered when he learns that Romeo showed up at the Capulet feast. Benvolio- Benvolio is a member of the Montague family and he is also Romeo’s best friend. He tries to help Romeo get over his love with Rosaline by taking him to the Capulet party to see other hot women. 5Verona is the main setting of this play. It is situated in Italy and is controlled by Prince Escalus. This setting contains many smaller settings including both family’s houses , Verona’s streets, and the Capulet’s tomb. Mantua is a lesser setting in the play. It is where Romeo is banished to when he kills Tybalt. It is also the place where Juliet plans to flee to live with Romeo. This is the worst place for Romeo because he cannot be with Juliet there. 6 Act 1- Act 1 starts with a prologue that tells us what is to happen in this play. The first scenes takes place in the streets of Verona where servants of the two households break into fighting and warned by the prince that if it happened again death would come to both houses. In Scene 2 both parties agree not to fight and we learn that Paris wishes to marry Juliet but her father thinks she is to young.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Personal Strife of Tennessee Williams :: Biography Biographies Essays

The Personal Strife of Tennessee Williams      Ã‚  Ã‚   Tennessee Williams was a well renowned playwright, who highlighted his personal experiences in his plays and stories. He had a colorful life and he enjoyed writing about what was considered taboo subjects in the 1940's, 1950's and the 1960's. Williams explored homosexuality, alcoholism, violence, greed and sex.      He also infused humor into his work. Williams dissected the traditional American family, and he penned many stories about dysfunctional and volatile families. In the journalist Bruce Smith's memoir on Tennessee Williams entitled Costly Performances, Tennessee is quoted reminding his readers, "I have had a life of required endurance, a life of clawing and scratching along a sheer surface and holding on tight with raw fingers to every inch of rock higher than the one caught hold of before...." (Smith, 6) Williams was born Thomas Lanier Williams in his maternal grandfather's rectory in Columbus, Mississippi on March 26, 1911.      His father, Cornielus Coffin Williams, was a shoe salesman at a shoe factory. He was an alcoholic and he was often verbally abusive to his family. Williams's mother's name was Edwina Lanier Williams and she encouraged the young Thomas to write. Williams later based the character of Amanda from his play "The Glass Menagerie" on his mother.      He had a sister named Rose, who was two years older, and when they were growing up they were very close. Rose was a very sensitive child and by her early twenties she was classified as a schizophrenic. She was later institutionalized and eventually given a lobotomy. His sister's condition devastated Williams, and he was afraid throughout his life that he would succumb to madness as well. He based the character of Laura from "The Glass Menagerie" on his sister Rose. Williams had a younger brother named Dakin, who was eight years younger.      Their father doted on the younger brother, and there was a great deal of sibling rivalry between them. He actually based Brick and Grooper's relationship on his tumultuous dealings with Dakin. Also, Williams had a great interest in people who lived on the fringes of life, like Rose. He considered himself to be "different" and he was not popular in his youth.      Thomas was teased as a youth by a boy named Brick, and Williams added that the character was weak minded and flawed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which was first published between 1851 and 1852, was written by a renowned anti-slavery crusader and author, Harriet Beecher Stow and it was received with acclamation and was also considered a masterpiece in its time. The author is accredited for writing a book that has been said to be a major contributor of the Civil War. The author herself grew up witnessing the passionate slavery debates and thus she held tight to her abolitionist ideologies. From the onset of the book it is clear that the author generally writes to convince the Northern readership on the need to end slavery. She exposes the horrors of the ongoing slavery that was predominant in the south. Stowe does not shy away from expressing her religious views by emphasizing the importance of Christian love in order to tackle oppression. The author also in this book also propels her feminist’s views and thus portrays women as an equal gender in the society. One of the strengths that the book harbors is the impact it had on the society and also the understanding that one gains of the factors that led to the war. However, a weakness of the book can be found on the author herself since it can be argued that the author’s limited experience of life in the southern area made her to have an inaccurate description of the region. However, looking at the strengths of the book it is easier to see how they outweigh the weaknesses. The book is hailed as one that captures the wild imagination of many Americans and its rich historical context of the events that led to the civil war portrays the book in good light.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Effective Are Drip Irrigation Systems Environmental Sciences Essay

The article evaluates the efficiency, effectivity, societal, economic and environmental impacts of the trickle irrigation system. The trickle irrigation system has the possible to increase the agricultural productiveness and besides to cut down H2O use required for irrigation. It is a system of pipes and tubing located under the dirt. Water is passed through these pipes which end at near the roots of the workss. This makes the H2O loss minimal. Initial phase is planing the system and its installing follows it. The article states the advantages and disadvantages of the system and besides cites grounds with respect to the societal, economic and environmental facets. Poverty is one of the primary concerns the universe faces in its route to development. Eradication of poorness tends to be the premier purposes of authoritiess worldwide. Lack of proper nutrition is a major cause lending to poverty. Bettering agricultural criterions can assist in bring forthing more nutrient and therefore counter the deficiency of nutrient factor. One manner to better agricultural criterions is to develop the irrigation methods used. Irrigation is closely related to poorness. Irrigation benefits the hapless through higher production, higher outputs, low hazard of harvest failure and higher and twelvemonth unit of ammunition farm and non-farm employment. Irrigation leads to high value market oriented agricultural production [ 1 ] . However, in developing states like India, the agricultural sector is to a great extent dependent on the south-west monsoons. In position of the lifting temperatures worldwide due to planetary heating and alterations of conditions forms asso ciated with it, dependance on rains is non ever a possible solution. Failure of proper rains can stultify the agricultural sector which can take to an overall rise in poorness. Thus efficient methods of irrigation demand to be developed. The trickle irrigation system is one such method of irrigation that is being utilized. Drip irrigation is H2O salvaging, efficient and effectual lacrimation system.The article focuses on the different facets of the trickle irrigation system, its part in poorness relief and the societal economic and environmental impacts of this engineering. Subsurface trickle irrigation or SDI is another manner of terming a trickle irrigation system. As stated by C. Shock, trickle irrigation is the slow even application of low-pressure H2O to dirt and workss utilizing plastic tube placed near the workss & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢ root zone [ 8 ] . Water is supplied to the dirt at really low rates from the system of the plastic tube pipes which are fitted with emitters at the terminals. Therefore loss of H2O through vaporization, H2O run-off and infiltration is minimized to a great extent. Besides H2O contact with the roots, foliages and fruits of the works is reduced which helps in bar of formation of disease on the works. Since the tube is buried under the dirt, it is less at hazard of harm due to weeding and cultivation activities. Planing a subsurface trickle system requires an experient qualified interior decorator. As G. Harris has stated, proper hydraulic design is the initial measure in put ining a successful SDI system [ 5 ] . This will guarantee that the system effectively trades with the restraints imposed by the harvest and dirt features, field size, topography, H2O supply and form. The system must be capable of run intoing the harvest H2O demand during the peak H2O demand times. A block or zone, which is the part of the field that can be watered at the same clip, is determined by the features of the trickle tube selected. The optimum tubing spacing is determined by the dirt features and the deepness of tube arrangement. If the installings are excessively deep it will curtail the handiness of surface applied foods limits the effectivity of the system for harvest sprouting. Adequate blushing speeds must be allowed for in the design to take deposits from the emitters. This helps to forestall the SDI syst em from acquiring clogged and increases the system & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s life. Following the planing comes the installation portion of the SDI system. Proper installing ensures that the system performs optimally and it besides determines the life of the system. Installation is done in sites which have non been cropped late as insect activity or weedy countries could destruct the pipes within yearss of installing [ 6 ] .Initially location of the tube is marked out. A subsoiler can be used or if more accurate placement is needed, GPS can besides be used. Specialized injectors are available for installing of the SDI pipes. The power and H2O beginning restrictions are to be considered during the installing of the system. Filters are besides used which helps in taking atoms and keeps the emitters from acquiring clogged. The major characteristic of this system that makes it extremely desirable is that the H2O usage efficiency will be better compared to other systems or methods of irrigation. Evidence put frontward by C.R. Camp show that drip irrigation systems implemented in Virginia require 30 % less H2O compared to sprinkler irrigation for cultivating maize [ 3 ] . For cotton, the H2O use was reduced significantly by 40 % . Execution of the system in Hawaii helped the husbandmans to acquire a greater output than when utilizing sprinkler irrigation system [ 4 ] . Extra advantages include: Drip irrigation systems are suited to farms holding uneven topography or dirt texture. Precise application of foods is possible. Timely application of weedkillers, insect powders and antifungals is possible. The trickle irrigation system can be automated. Irrigation can be carried out twenty-four hours and dark regardless of the air current, daylight handiness or other cultivation activities [ 7 ] . The SDI system can be used for fertilising. Foods can be supplied in a sustained manner, and regulated in rate and composing, harmonizing to the harvest demands [ 7 ] . The fluid mechanicss help in easy H2O command the figure of points provides first-class uniformity of supply. There are a figure of disadvantages for the trickle irrigation system. Initial investing is rather high for this system. Root development is limited and therefore ensuing in root putrefaction and dust jobs [ 7 ] . The emitters can acquire clogged often and cleaning it is a dearly-won and clip devouring procedure. Accretion of salts might happen at the interface between the moisture and dry zones of the dirt. It is by and large accepted that irrigation can transform society every bit good as land and landscapes. Drip irrigation has brought about a figure of positive and negative societal impacts. It helps in relieving poorness in irrigated countries, minimizes the differential distribution of benefits across husbandmans and increases the societal benefits [ 7 ] . The positive consequence it has brought on the demographics of the Waitaki vale has helped collar the population diminution [ 9 ] . The extra population would non merely beef up the societal construction and webs but besides increase economic growing. Thus services such as wellness and instruction would go more feasible. On the other manus, automated drip irrigation systems tend to necessitate less labour and in low pay economic systems, where occupation chances lag behind growing in labour force owing to lift in population, cut downing hired labors can be socially debatable [ 10 ] . This leads to farther unemployment. Sing the economic facets, drip irrigation systems have helped husbandmans to achieve better net incomes due to higher output. Farmers can conserve H2O more and besides increase the productiveness of their farms. The output of cotton increased by 21 % in Dalby and Moree while in Lucerne, output betterment was between 13-34 % [ 5 ] . The net incomes obtained in tomato cultivation in California were approximately 867 to 1493 dollars more [ 12 ] . Water use was reduced by 45 % for maize cultivation in the Great Plains in USA [ 13 ] . In malice of all these a major hinderance in the execution of the system is the high initial cost. Designing and installing requires qualified people and moreover the cost and clip for care of the system is besides on the higher side. However in the long tally husbandmans can do up for the high initial costs with the higher sum of output they obtain. The trickle irrigation helps in bettering the dirt surface and the environment. It allows pre treated coalbed methane Waterss to flux into the root zone of an agricultural field which minimized environmental impacts by hive awaying damaging salts in the vadose zone [ 11 ] . It reduces off-farm motions of fertilisers and pollutants and improves the H2O usage efficiency of irrigated agribusiness [ 3 ] . It offers possible for increased H2O and nitrate fertiliser efficiency and decreases land H2O taint by NO3 [ 14 ] . The certain negative traits that the system has on the environment are that root putrefaction may happen and degrees of salt rises. Root development is affected taking to deficient protection against deficiency of H2O and hapless root anchorage [ 7 ] . Overall, the trickle irrigation system is an effectual manner of irrigation. It saves on H2O use and allows husbandmans to increase their farm end product. The increased end products helps counter the rise in nutrient demand and helps the poorer subdivisions of the society with more nutrient at cheaper monetary values. Evidence presented in the article show the increased harvest output. Even thought the engineering comes at a higher monetary value, the effects of implementing it will be long lasting and positive.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The 1989 Children Act

Produce a table outlining the current legislation and guidelines relating to safeguarding. The 1989 Children Act This is the most important piece of legislation with regards to childcare. It simplified the laws that protect children and young people and made clear the duty of care for all those who work with children or young people. Working together to safeguard children 2010 This document was produced to safeguard and protect children. To create and maintain a safe learning environment for children and young people.To give local authorities (LSCB) the power to produce own safeguarding policies. Laming Report 2003 Independent enquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie and other serious case reviews. It identified wide ranging failings of the safeguarding system. Many professionals working with children not following guidance in â€Å"working together† brought about the following piece of legislation Every child matters guidelines and children’s act 2004 This brought to gether agencies such as healthcare professionals, schools and welfare services.Created central database containing records of all children and whether known to different services. Independent children’s commissioner to oversee and protect all children’s rights and Ofsted to monitor children’s services. Other pieces of legislation Human rights act 1989 United Nations convention on the rights of the child 1989 Sexual Offences Act 2003 (New offences created such as grooming) Protection of children act 1989 (dealt with staff misconduct and recruitment ie POCA list) Safeguarding vulnerable groups act 1986Independent safeguarding authority (ISA) was given a wider role in checking new workers, poor practice etc. Munro report 2011 – recommends a less bureaucratic and more child centred approach.   2/3 Write an explanation of child protection within the wider context of safeguarding children and young people, relating it to the policies and procedures in the sch ool environment. Safeguarding is the new term used to describe â€Å"child protection†. It refers to the ways in which adults and professionals working with children need to act when managing issues regarding child protection.Everyone working with children has a duty to keep children safe, protected from harm and any concerns regarding any form of abuse to be passed to the safeguarding officer at school. The above guidelines, policies and procedures affect the day to day work carried out within schools and while issues will vary between schools, everyone within these establishments should be aware of safeguarding concerns and ensure that they always act appropriately and within the guidelines set out. All professionals working with children need to be CRB or DBS checked.This is to enable safe recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people working within a school environment. Risk assessments will need to be carried out on any activities or outings that have the potential to cause harm. The school will have procedures for risk assessments that will probably be carried out annually on the school buildings or grounds or individually for school visits and such. Child protection is the duty of all who work with children and everyone needs to be aware of the schools policy for reporting and recording suspected abuse.Keeping children secure on school premises with signing in procedures, secure fencing and gates, staff security badges and such. If a child is a cause for concern, child protection records will need to be kept and any issues raised will always need to be followed up. As a teaching assistant, our role would be to pass any concerns on to be followed up by the schools safeguarding officer. Photographs that may be shared with others outside school would need parental permission, as would outside school visits and extra-curricular activities.Health and Safety policies should be followed throughout the school and behaviour issues should be resolved to prevent harm to themselves or others. Anti-bullying policies should be in place and adhered to. The staff to pupil ratio should be sufficient at all times, internet safety should be in place and medical information should be shared in case of an emergency. Therefore, the primary concern of a school should be to keep its pupils safe and secure. Many procedures and policies will be in place to ensure this happens and the LSCB(Local safeguarding children board) will help ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children. Every child should have a voice that is heard and should have support it required. Confidentiality should be maintained and information should not be shared with anyone other than those who need to be involved. 1. 4 Explain when and why enquiries and serious case reviews are required and how the sharing of the findings informs practice. Serious case reviews take place when a child has died due to abuse or neglect and sometimes when a child has suffered serious injury or harm from violence, neglect or abuse.Working together to safeguard children guidance states that a serious case review (SCR) should take place when â€Å"the case gives rise to concerns about the way in which local professionals and services worked together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. † The local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) will consider whether a SCR is required when any professional or agency believe a serious incident has occurred. The purpose of a serious case review is to look for where improvements in practice can be made to limit the risks to other children and young people. Working together explains the purpose of a SCR as :- 1.To establish whether there are lessons to be learnt from a case about how local professionals and organisations work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. 2. Identify what those lessons may be, what is to be acted upon and what is expected to change. 3. Improve inter-agency working and bet ter safeguard and promote the welfare of children. In 2001, Lord Laming was asked to chair and Independent Statutory Inquiry following the death of Victoria Climbie and to make recommendations as to how such an event may, as far as possible, be avoided in the future.Victoria Climbie was severely abused by her great aunt and her partner, which eventually resulted in her death. The inquiry found a gross failure in the system that was supposed to protect this little girl. The Laming report therefore recommended that a national agency should be setup to oversee the swift and effective implementation of the recommendations, such as directors of children’s services with no child protection should appoint an experienced social work manager to support them.The Government should provide child protection training for council leaders and senior management and the Ofsted framework is in place for child protection. 108 recommendations were made by this report including that there should b e a much closer working relationship between agencies, a central database and an independent children’s commissioner for England. The Brichard Inquiry was a serious case review that was commissioned to look at the Soham murders.This found that record systems didn’t work properly, that the local intelligence system was fundamentally flawed so allegations that had been made about Ian Huntly were missed and his employment references were not checked properly. The main recommendation that came from this inquiry was the introduction of CRB checks and the need for them to be checked regularly. The Byron Review was a report ordered in September 2007 to review the risks children faced from exposure to harmful or inappropriate material on the internet and to produce recommendations that would help keep children safe.It concluded that there needed to be better regulation and better information and education, with the role of Government, law enforcement, schools and children†™s services as key. This meant safer internet access was adopted in schools. Therefore, all of these SCRs have been instigated to help keep children safe. Other reviews, such as the Plymouth SCR, was commissioned as a result of a nursery worker been found to be taking inappropriate photographs of children that were then shared on the internet, As a result, mobile phones were banned in Nurseries and kept away from children in schools.No photographs are to be taken or shared without parental permission. So, legislation is often changed due to SCRs by the Government which is then passed to local authorities, this then influences and creates the policies that are implemented in school and other childcare agencies. SCR’s are conducted to learn from the mistakes made to then introduce changes to keep children safer and protected.. 5 Write a reflective account of how your school complies with the data protection act regarding information handling and sharing.The data protection ac t (1998) covers all aspects of how a school handles information. Information gathered by the school, including the context of safeguarding and child protection, is used only for the purpose for which it was collected. Therefore, information wouldn’t be shared or discussed with people who don’t need to know. All staff have to ensure that subjects discussed within school are not shared with others outside the environment for example, if approached by a parent outside of school I would not share any confidential information with them.The information collected is also kept securely with access only permitted to those who need it. Many records are kept on secure computer sites or, if they are paper records, they are kept locked in the school office where access is restricted. All information has to be accurate and kept up to date. Data collection sheets are sent out regularly to parents to ensure that the information held is accurate and current. This collects informations of a personal natures, provides contact details, medical informations, school lunches and how children get to school.Other information, including children’s SEN files and educational records are also reviewed regularly and shared only with those who need to know. The Data Protection Act gives rights to individuals in respect of the personal data held about them. This information can be accessed by them (or their parents) except in certain circumstances, for example, information that may cause serious harm or a risk of abuse to the individual or others. Therefore, all schools have a legal responsibility to adhere to the Data Protection Act and its codes of practice.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Organizational structures Essay

Organizations have distinct structures for organizing business entities. An organization can be of different structures depending upon size of the business organization. The complexity in organizing demands segregating the responsibilities. The important organizations structures are pre-bureaucratic, bureaucratic, Functional, Divisional and post bureaucratic structures. Pre-bureaucratic organization has typically small management team, typically one man show format, low on profits and easy to organize. Bureaucratic organizations has a complex organization structure, large business entity with varied functions to take of, the decision making process needs to run in hierarchical phase and it may delay the decision making process. Functional organization is concerned with large organizations with different entities. A FMCG company may have toilet soaps, detergents, cosmetics etc is a perfect example of functional structure. The organizational structure will have more freedom to product enhancement. Cross functional organizing will be difficult to organize. Matrix organization segregates distinct functional profiles and organizational operational aspects. Different departments will separately work on a specific project like the engineering, marketing, operations and administration. Post organizational structure deals with the unique features of an organizational which are having virtual importance than the conventional organizational responsibilities. The functions like the quality management, employee benefits and cross cultural management are taken into account. Not many organizations can bear the non revenue profiles like the above as these facilities are expensive and complex to implement.

A Review Of Personal Loans Commerce Essay

A Review Of Personal Loans Commerce Essay If you already have a personal loan, the chances are that it is costing you more than it should. Even though there are a number of great opportunities to make your money work harder, most people don’t bother changing their loan and stick with a loan rate that doesn’t reflect the best deal. By using our search tool to compare loans, you can compare offers available from loan providers in the UK including both personal loans and homeowner loans. A loan is an amount of money you borrow from your bank or any financial institution, usually over a fixed period of time, which is repaid at regular intervals. Interest is charged and added to the original loan amount, and other charges, such as an Administration Fee, may apply to the loan as well. Generally, there are 2 types of loans secured and unsecured loan. Secured loans are secured against the mortgaged property. Secured loans usually ranges from  £3,000 to  £50,000, although some lenders will consider lending up to  £100,000. The amount borrowed is repaid monthly over a term agreed at the outset, ranging between three and 25 years. Unsecured loans can be taken out without offering the lender any security. Unsecured personal loans are available for a range of different amounts and repayment terms. Larger loans such as those for over  £10,000 can usually be taken over longer terms, for example between seven and 10 years, and the maximum you can borrow is about  £25,000. Payday loans are short-term borrowing solutions aimed at those facing an immediate financial difficulty. If you find yourself short of cash towards the end of the month, you can apply for a same-day payday loan, usually lasting for 31 days and are generally available for amounts between  £100 and  £1,000. The interest rates on payday loans are much higher than those on most other types of borrowing. The most common personal loans are fixed, which means repayments are set at a certain amount over a set period of time. Vari able loans are also available, although this means that your interest rate is dependent on the bank base rate and could fluctuate. When choosing a loan you should pay careful attention to the APR, the Annual Percentage Rate, this is important because it tells you how much you are paying back. Secured loans Secured loans are secured against the mortgaged property. Secured loans usually ranges from  £3,000 to  £50,000, although some lenders will consider lending up to  £100,000. The amount borrowed is repaid monthly over a term agreed at the outset, ranging between three and 25 years. Unsecured loans can be taken out without offering the lender any security. Payday Loans Payday loans are short-term borrowing solutions aimed at those facing an immediate financial difficulty. If you find yourself short of cash towards the end of the month, you can apply for a same-day payday loan, usually lasting for 31 days and are generally available for amounts between  £100 and  £1,000. Th e interest rates on payday loans are much higher than those on most other types of borrowing. Payday loans are intended only as a short term arrangement. As with an overdraft, payday loans should not be seen as a long term solution.