Tuesday, December 24, 2019

To what extent does the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)...

Introduction It was previously assumed that economic investors and regulators (agents) utilised all available information and thus market prices were a reflection of this information with assets representing their fundamental value, encouraging the position that agents’ actions were rational. The 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) is posited to have originated from the notion that all available information was utilised, causing agents to fail to thoroughly investigate and confirm â€Å"the true values of publicly traded securities,† leading to a failure to register the presence of an asset price bubble preceding the GFC (Ball 2009). This essay will use the notions of EMH to determine the extent to which they can explain the Global†¦show more content†¦This argument becomes redundant when we consider that investors did know that asset prices were wrong because the favoured strategies of trading desks and proprietary portfolios were primarily founded on market mispricing, hence this can be seen as the cause of huge losses in 2007-2008. In this financial crisis, it was the knowledge and recognition of mispricing that were a probable cause of the GFC as agents were prepared to bid up the price of assets and allow subprime mortgages to continue to be traded even although common sense would suggest that 100% finance to subprime candidates was destined for failure and would burst the asset bubble as US mortgage defaults increased alongside foreclosures. Further to the argument that agents were ignorant of and failed to engage with new information, the formation of asset price bubbles has been offered as a cause for the GFC. Ball argues that it is inherently difficult to recognise the presence of an asset price bubble until after the event has affected the market and even by recognising that prices did not accurately reflect true value, this could never have indicated a nearing price bubble burst to investors because EMH suggested that all then available information wasShow MoreRelatedEfficient Market Hypothesis Vs Behavioural Finance1747 Words   |  7 PagesEfficient Market Hypothesis v’s Behavioural Finance An efficient market is one in which share prices quickly and fully reflect all available information, where investors are rational, and there are no frictions. Investors determine stock prices on the basis of expected cash flows to be received from a stock and the risk involved. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Themes in Things Fall Apart Free Essays

In Chinua Achebe’s acclaimed novel, Things Fall Apart, there are various themes which make up the complexity and richness of the story. Although it is a work of fiction, Achebe touches upon contemporary issues involving Africa and colonialism. Colonialism is defined as political control over another country. We will write a custom essay sample on Themes in Things Fall Apart or any similar topic only for you Order Now Often this means exploiting its resources and tampering with the precious culture of the people. Post- colonial Africa is still trying to recover, by trying to adapt a mindset of what it truly means to be an African. Achebe explores these issues through his own African roots nd portrays what he believes is the true essence of African culture. One major theme of the novel is language. Language is the most effective and prominently used tool for communicating to other people. It is clear that speech is used in a different form depending on who is addressed. For example, when addressing an Igbo god or an ancestral spirit, one uses a formal tone of speech. This is to show a sign of respect. Similarly, when people of the tribe approach and speak to Okonkwo, they use a similar tone. They respect Okonkwo for his many feats including beating Amalinze the cat. For this reason, they reflect their feeling in their speech. A significant speech barrier occurred between the Christian Missionaires. In order to communicate with the people they were required to use an interpretor. An interpretor does not always deliver the message precisely, causing severe lines of miscommunication. Eventually, these unclear communication lines could lead to ignorance among the two peoples. Another form of communication in the tribe are the folktales and proverbs. This is the Igbo peoples way of communicating their values to the younger generations. Language plays a very important role in their society, and the loss of their language is a tremendous loss of their culture. Another important theme in the novel is the theme of gender. Gender roles are central to Igbo society. To understand Igbo worldview it is essential to understand the cultural gender roles. Even the crops are separated by male and female; in example, the yam is said to be a male crop. Males are expected to be masculine in every sense of the word. They should be physically strong and equally as violent. They are not to show emotion because that is considered a sign of weakness. For instance, Okonkwo rarely shows affection towards his children because that would be a weak sign of emotion. Due to this fact, men in the Igbo culture are assigned the role of warriors and hunters. The men do all of the hard labor and interact largely within the public sphere. On the other hand, women are viewed as weak because they do not physically compare to men. In a similar way, woman display emotions which supposedly diminishes their strength. However, women dominate the private sphere. Their role is to raise the family, clean the home, cook, etc. It is a bit ironic that the mportant Job of raising the children is given to the â€Å"weaker† sex; Achebe touches upon this fact. The character of Okonkwo takes the idealology of masculinity too far. He suffers from patrophobia because he does not want to be like his father who was lazy and weak. For this reason he is cold towards his children and eventually kills his adoptive son Nwoye. Achebe makes it clear that these actions are not acceptable within the community. There must always be a balance between feminine and Additionally, the theme of religion is one prominently discussed within the novel. The Igbo people have a religion that is based upon the earth. Their entire culture revolves around agriculture and the mystery of nature and the seasons; therefore, they worship gods and goddesses which will help them in this dominating aspect of their lives. The people are fearful that if they commit a sin against their god that they will be punished by way of crop elimination or natural disaster. Also, considering the central role of family, ancestral spirits are extremely important to the Igbo people. It is imperative that the people do not forget their ancestors, for they believe that if they give thanks to them, then they in spirit will reward them in return. The ancestral spirits are respected to the point that Judges in trials (masked elders) represent the ancestors who were wise and Just in decision making. During colonialism, Christian missionaries pushed the idea of a singular monolithic God. This idea was very foreign to the people and seemed irrevelvent to Igbo lifestyle. Some Igbo people accepted this new idea, however others remained firm in their beliefs. This shows the Igbo peoples open-mindedness when it comes to the spiritual world. To demean their spiritual nature would be to degrade their culture. How to cite Themes in Things Fall Apart, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Film Overview Citizen Kane Essay Example For Students

Film Overview Citizen Kane Essay The film Citizen Kane is the story of Charles Foster Kane and told using flashbacks from his life and using more that one narrator. Orson Welles directs and also plays the role of the principal character in this movie. It was first shown to the public in 1941. As the movie goes on each one of the narrators gives a different opinion on Kane, some positive and others negative. At the beginning of the movie it does not make a lot of sense but as more stories and narrators opinions about him are added the story starts to build up. At some times the stories told are confusing and out of sequence so the flashbacks don’t follow a time sequence and trend to overlap into each other. One important thing used during the filming and edition of this movie was the technique used, deep focus or also known as the wipe technique, is used when an scene is recorded in a low angle shot and there is not a specific point of focus, you can see what people is doing in the background and in most of the scenes it goes with the plot. The lighting technique used is really important because many shadows and bright whites were visible giving the audience a better visualization of the scenes. While I was watching the movie I found out that what Kane was trying to do will all of the flashbacks and stories told was to remember his young years and know what other think about him, specially close people that worked with him at some point in their lives. He was a person that had a lot of money so he actually buys happiness and love, one clear example of this is his relationship with his second wife, Susan, he gives her everything what she wants but at the end she tell him that he thinks that with a bracelet he will give her happiness and he thinks that that is all what she wants, but actually that’s not true, he is trying to buy her affection to him. One reason that makes Kane be how he is I think is the fact that he had to be separated from his parents when he was just a kid, and he never had that parents love everyone need in their lives. This makes him who he is, a person that can?t have a stable relation with anyone if he don’t put money and gifts in between. I can see that in the movie before a flashback there is some narrators that say that money don’t buy happiness and that’s true. Motifs are something really important in my point of view in this movie; two of the most important are materialism and isolation. These two motifs are found in the principal characters. As we can see materialism plays a huge role in the movie as I explained before, Kane buys everyone’s affection with gifts or just by giving them money. In the movie is mentioned that Kane had a huge collection of sculptures, when he went to his trip overseas for example, he was always sending more and more sculptures, and at some point there was no space in the offices that people cant even walk through them. Another clear example of materialism is that he builds the opera house just for his wife to sing in her own place, also when he lives in a real palace because it was Susan?s dream. Through materialism what Kane is trying to do is to fill the empty spaces his childhood left him, he has a lot of money but at some point he don’t know what to do with it, he didn’t care if he loses $1 million per year in his newspaper, or if he buys the same statue twice, or simply have a lot of the things he buy in a room without even taking out the package. Isolation is represented in almost all the movie, since the beginning to the end, starting with Charles playing by his own out in the snow the day that Mr. .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f , .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .postImageUrl , .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f , .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:hover , .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:visited , .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:active { border:0!important; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:active , .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6844370695bbb01f2ba0055ac66d637f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Reality Television Controversy EssayTatches took him until the end when he is left alone in the palace. This isolation is visible in all the movie, he didn’t was that type of man who go and go out with other people, or couple trips, he preferred to stay alone in his house or in the office. There is a scene in the movie when Susan tell Kane to take her to New York, that she wants to hang out and have fun and get out of the place they lived, and Kane tell her that no, that this is what she wanted so now she will stay there. Also when Kane tell here about the camping night with the other couples, Susan says something like are you sure you want to go, and you will make people go that far to just go and sleep in tents even if they have a confortable bed at their houses, and Kane just answered we are going. This is a proof of the motif, because it shows that Kane don’t like to be around people, he likes to be isolated like always. In conclusion the movie Citizen Kane shows us the life of Charles Foster Kane narrated by different persons that got to know him personally and spend time together, this helped us to understand the true nature of the main character, why he acts the way he does and all this get together with the motifs present in this movie, materialism and isolation, this two and the narration of the other characters helped us built and understand Kane, why he is like that and the most important have a clearer final message of the movie.