Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Challenge ineffective practice in the promotion of the safeguarding Essay

1. Disseminate knowledge based on good practice 2. To involve service users , carers, practitioners , care providers and policy makers in the promoting good practice 3. Enhance the skills and professionalism in social care workers through tailored, targeted and user friendly resources. Before challenge can be made we will need to identify who is at risk of abuse? The vulnerable adult in this context is at risk of abuse ; people with learning disability; older people ; family members and carers. Identifying risks in services. Risk factors associated with abuse can help to point the way for appropriate prevention strategies. For example Institutional abuse has the following factors as indicators: Exogenous-Staff rate and ratio, bed supply. Institutional Environment-Organisation that stifles staff and prevent criticism. Patient Characteristics-very frail, challenging behaviours  staff Characteristics- Stress, negative attitude to work, low esteem and low educational attainment neutralisation of moral concerns leading to residents being seen as objects rather than human beings. Lack of policy awareness. To challenge these abuse we need 1 public awareness 2 Awareness of domestic violence 3 Awareness strategies of other types abuse such as financial abuse 4 Information awareness and advocacy 5 Training and education through development programmes 6 Awareness of the organisation policy and procedures 7 Community links 8 awareness of regulations and legislation 9 Multi- disciplinary and agency collaboration. 10 Empowerment and choice 11 balancing the idea of choice and risk involvement based on decision taken by the service users and carers.

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